Friday, September 3, 2010

Eagle Sighting...

We have a confirmed sighting of the eagle on our lake...

Can you find it in the photo?  Click to enlarge for a closer look....

I enlarged and lightened the photo so it is visible. I believe that is a sycamore tree with leaves measuring 6-8 inches across, so that gives you an idea of the size of this eagle.

And then it was gone.


Rue said...

Beautiful! I haven't seen as many eagles on our lake as there were last year. Many Osprey and Hawks though. They could have moved to where the hunting wasn't so competitive, I guess.

Unknown said...

What a magestic animal. One of my favorites for shizzle dizzle....

Sharon Lovejoy said...

ALWAYS exciting to see an eagle. We have one that sits out on the ledge in front of our cottage. Although he is 50 feet away I can see his yellow eyes. So BIG!

Also lots of osprey here. They amaze me. Saw one nab a huge fish and he almost was dragged down with the fish. Slowly, slowly he gained altitude and flew off crying his piercing cry.


Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island