Yes, we have a real ghost. Or maybe ghosts. Or maybe some sort of manifested energy. I dunno exactly what, but we do have something with us in our home. I know this qualifies me as a total flake, but there really is no denying it now. (And I love flying a freak flag anyway, so it satisfies.)
We have been seeing odd things since we moved to this house in 2006, but always the sort of things that we could dismiss as our minds playing tricks. Until the last few months. On Monday evening, the Old Hippie was making a sandwich at the kitchen counter. I was in the adjacent laundry room. I turned to look into the kitchen and clearly saw an opaque, white form in the opening between the kitchen and the den, about six feet from the Old Hippie's back. As I focused on it, it quickly moved around the corner into the den and out of sight. I didn't see any specific features, just an amorphous form. It was about the size and height of an adult, but there was nothing below knee level. The movement was as if it "walked" around the corner. Okay, really creepy, right? But I didn't feel anything - no change in energy, nothing at all.
About two months ago, the Old Hippie had gotten home before the CritterBug and me, and he was in the back bedroom. He heard a door shut, and voices, then sounds from the kitchen like groceries being unpacked. He assumed we had arrived home, so he went to greet us, only we weren't home yet. This has happened a few more times since then, and he clearly hears a woman's voice but cannot make out any words. Needless to say this freaks him out so much so that he has had to leave the house for a few hours.
A month ago, as I walked into the master bathroom, there was a white flash that flew out of the bathroom at about knee level, and my instant reaction was to jump out of the way. Then I just stood there asking myself what-the-hell just happened. This same thing happened months ago to the Old Hippie, only it came into our bedroom from the patio door, and it was at shoulder level and bigger. There comes a point that you have to admit to yourself that yes, this all sounds completely bat-shit crazy. I don't know if I would believe someone telling something like this, but when you know, you know.
Now this next thing is by far the creepiest. Because it wasn't white. It was shadowy. And smaller. And watching. A while back I was in bed reading with the bedroom door cracked about a foot. I saw a shadowy something about 3 1/2 feet tall looking at me from the opening. As I focused on it, it moved out of sight. A few days later I was in bed reading again. There is a long mirror mounted on the wall opposite the bed which reflects the shelves beside my bed. I saw the same sort of thing in the reflection of the mirror meaning it was right beside my bed. Again it moved away when I focused on it. Again, seriously creepy.
So with the veil between the worlds being the thinnest on Friday, I am expecting more of the same. Our house was built only six years ago, but it was built around the frame of an older house that was moved to this location. I regularly do home cleansings, and I have several forms of protection in place. So what do you think? Have you had a ghost experience?
Peace, love, and happiness,
Earth Mother